Meet the team

Tanmay Chaturvedi

Assistant professor, Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Engineering, Engineer (M.Sc) Chemical engineering

Laura Sini Sofia Hulkko

Ph.D. Fellow - Extraction of Value-Added Compounds from Green Fractionated Halophtye Biomass, Engineer (M.Sc.) Process engineering and combustion technology

Malthe Fredsgaard

Ph.D. fellow - Extraction, purification, and stabilization of high-/ultra high-value bioactive compounds, Engineer (M.Sc.) Process engineering and combustion technology

Jakob lykke stein

Ph.D. Fellow - Halophilic Plant Extracts as Natural Corrosion Inhibitors and Biocides for Oil Field Application, Engineer (M.Sc) Chemical engineering

Mette Hedegaard Thomsen

R&D lead, Professor, Ph.D. Industrial microbiology, Engineer (M.Sc.) Chemical engineering

Henrik Tribler

CEO, eMBA, Engineer (M.Sc.) Dairy engineering